Ready to Heal from Your
Husband’s Affair, God’s Way?
I will help you heal from the pain of your husband’s affair God’s way so you can take the next right step in your marriage and life without the fear of the future.
I know you can come out the other side of this painful experience. I’m going to be in the trenches with you, providing godly wisdom and Christian counsel pointing the way and giving you support. Together you can heal and take your life back.
All you need is to begin your healing journey.
“I didn’t think it was possible, but I survived my husband’s betrayal! ”
When I learned of my husband’s betrayal I could hardly breathe or think. His infidelity was shocking and unspeakably painful. Dr. Erb walked me through all of my desperate feelings, despair, and fears, helping me to break free from destructive and wrong thinking. She directed me toward God’s Word and His truth, which brought me comfort and hope. Dr. Erb’s compassion, wisdom, insight, and encouragement guided through the darkest days of my life. Each coaching session gave me great insight into what had happened, and I was comforted in knowing that my husband’s betrayal was not my fault. All the From Betrayal to Healing™ resources helped prepare my heart for forgiveness and reconciliation of my marriage.
Inside From Betrayal to Healing™️ online coaching program, you will have a trusted guide walk alongside you every step of the way so you can begin healing from the pain of your husband’s affair by taking action and confidently moving forward in your life..
Let me show you where to begin…
From Betrayal to Healing Pathway
You can have the tools you need to heal from the loss, unfairness, and humiliation of your husband’s actions. And, get the biblical guidance you need to move from the moment of discovery to hope and recovery.

Lesson 1: Dealing with Emotions
Once you complete this step you will: know the exact process for dealing with every emotion that comes up so you can begin taking the steps you need towards emotional healing.

Lesson 2: Identifying Losses
Once you complete this step you will: understand the stages of grief and identify roadblocks so you don’t stay stuck in pain.

Lesson 3: Facing Anger
Once you complete this step you will: learn a healthy way to express your anger so you feel understood and heard.

Lesson 4: Battling Depression
Once you complete this step you will: recognize signs of depression, finding ways to pull yourself out and take control of your thinking.

Lesson 5: Preparing for Disclosure
Once you complete this step you will: have successfully navigated discovering the truth about your husband’s betrayal safely with a 3rd party.

Lesson 6: Understanding Boundaries
Once you complete this step you will: discover areas where healthy boundaries are needed, how to respond when triggered and create safety before problems arise.

Lesson 7: Confronting Fears
Once you complete this step you will: learn how to ease your fears and recognize when fear is impacting you.

Lesson 8: Understanding the ‘Why’ of His Affair
Once you complete this step you will: learn possible reasons your husband betrayed you and why they engaged in this behavior.

Lesson 9: Releasing Resentment
Once you complete this step you will: free yourself from holding on to resentment and release it to God.

Lesson 10: Forgiving Him
Once you complete this step you will: discover the process of forgiveness so you can experience peace and move on from from painful memories.

Lesson 11: Rebuilding Trust
Once you complete this step you will: learn ways your husband can rebuild your trust and know exactly what to look for to know if his behavior has truly changed or not.

Lesson 12: Believing God
Once you complete this step you will: deepen your trust in God and His plan for your marriage and life.
You will learn the 3 integral steps of your healing pyramid so you can heal and grow progressing with each step.
Step #1: Emotional Healing
Step #2: Relationship Healing
Step #3: Spiritual Healing
Understanding that betrayal trauma strikes you emotionally, relationally and spiritually, you’ll need healing by restoring balance in all three areas. You will watch your transformation before your very eyes as you build on every phase of betrayal as you seek to reach the pinnacle of your healing.

You will learn the 3 integral steps of your healing pyramid so you can heal and grow progressing with each step.

Step #1: Emotional Healing
Step #2: Relationship Healing
Step #3: Spiritual Healing
Understanding that betrayal trauma strikes you emotionally, relationally and spiritually, you’ll need healing by restoring balance in all three areas. You will watch your transformation before your very eyes as you build on every phase of betrayal as you seek to reach the pinnacle of your healing.

A complete online Christian coaching program that gives you all of the steps & coaching so you can gain clarity in understanding how to heal from the pain of your husband’s affair and move on with hope for your future.

Coaching Program for Women
Look what’s inside!
From Betrayal to Healing™

From Betrayal to Healing™ is an evidence-based trademarked program which has helped hundreds of women across the country heal from their husband’s affair. In this program you’ll receive the essential 12-step pathway showing you how to begin healing from your husband’s affair God’s way, no matter if you just found out or discovered his betrayal years ago. You will start exactly where you are so you can take the next right step in your marriage and life without fear of the future.
(Total Value: $1997)
Coaching Calls with Dr. Carol
I will look at where you are in the healing process and will give you expert counsel, advice and help you work through each step.
I understand your betrayal as I’ve walked in your shoes. I’ll help you get through your pain and confusion. I’ve helped hundreds of women through their betrayal to healing and recovery. You don’t have to do this alone, nor should you.
You can depend on me by benefitting from my years of professional Christian counseling and marriage coaching as you will be guided through a process of healing at your own pace giving you hope and restoring your strength.
You Will Receive
A dedicated ‘Join Call’ link to join me for coaching calls where you bring your concerns and have questions answered.
Deeper understanding into the subject you have been learning about and where you’re currently struggling. This is where you’ll have an opportunity to discuss key healing steps and understand them on a deeper level.
Reassurance that although a husband’s betrayal is extremely difficult to work through alone and you’re in the right place. You’ll be offered much needed biblical resources, connection and support to bring you hope and healing.
An understanding of betrayal trauma with the confidence you are working with someone who is trained to help you navigate the healing and recovery process.
(Total 1-Year Value: $2497)

Coaching Calls with Dr. Carol
I will look at where you are in the healing process and will give you expert counsel, advice and help you work through each step.
I understand your betrayal as I’ve walked in your shoes. I’ll help you get through your pain and confusion. I’ve helped hundreds of women through their betrayal to healing and recovery. You don’t have to do this alone, nor should you..
You can depend on me by benefitting from my years of professional Christian counseling and marriage coaching as you will be guided through a process of healing at your own pace giving you hope and restoring your strength.
You Will Receive
A dedicated ‘Join Call’ video link to join me for coaching calls where you bring your concerns and have questions answered.
Deeper understanding into the subject you have been learning about and where you’re currently struggling. This is where you’ll have an opportunity to discuss key healing steps and understand them on a deeper level.
Reassurance that although a husband’s betrayal is extremely difficult to work through alone you’re in the right place. You’ll be offered much needed biblical resources, connection and support to bring you hope and healing.
An understanding of betrayal trauma with the confidence you are working with someone who is trained to help you navigate the healing and recovery process.
(Total 1-Year Value: $2497)

Ask Dr. Carol Q&A
You Will Receive
24/5 (Monday through Friday) text message access to me for specific questions you may have and for receiving clarification for the twists and turns when navigating challenging situations.
A proven pathway to healing rather than saturating yourself with all the information you can get your hands on and becoming overwhelmed and confused with what’s out there. You will receive immediate help so you can get out of this cycle of information overload.
(Total 1-Year Value: $2497)
From Betrayal to Healing Workbook
We’ll be utilizing the From Betrayal to Healing workbook by Dr. Carol Erb. Covering a specific step on your From Betrayal to Healing Pathway, we’ll take a deeper dive into the topic you have been learning about.
So when you start, you can go through the lessons at your own pace. On our coaching calls, you’ll join in on the conversation and you can ask any question you may have no matter where you are on your healing journey. You’ll then circle around until you have come to the point in the From Betrayal to Healing™ program in which you started. You can participate in the program as many times as you would like. In fact we have women in the program at all stages of their healing journey. And, because they love the connection, fellowship, affirmation and godly wisdom women continue to circle back around.
One of the greatest obstacles women have in trying to heal from the pain of their husband’s affair is not knowing the steps to take or having much needed information to know how to take the next right step in their marriages and lives.
(Total 1-Year Value: $1997)

And, all these Bonuses!

Dr. Erb has given us a very helpful program for those who have been deeply betrayed by a spouse. I wish I’d had it years ago when I discovered my husband’s infidelity. I commend this program to you to help you through the recovery process.
— Ruth Graham, Author of In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart
Carol provides a powerful combination of personal experience and professional wisdom. Carol lived it, so she gets it. She knows how to help women get through their crisis and live the life GOD has planned for them.
— Dr. David Clarke – Christian psychologist and author of “I Don’t Love You Anymore.”
From Betrayal to Healing™ Women’s Coaching Program is perfect for women who are:
- Looking for faith-based guidance with a Christian focus.
- Experiencing betrayal and infidelity.
- Encountering pornography in their marriage.
- Contemplating separation or divorce.
- Continuing to struggle from betrayal trauma after separation or divorce.
- Wondering if their husband is still lying and withholding information about his affair.
- Feeling their husband is minimizing his involvement with another woman.
- Discovering their husband has joined dating sites and contacts women via social media.
- Catching their husband taking calls in private and guarding their cell phones.
- Discovering their husbands going to topless bars and massage parlors.
- Hearing their husbands say: ‘she’s just a friend.’
- Wanting to save their marriage or knowing whether to move on.
Receive step-by-step guidance via video content, which compliments the From Betrayal to Healing workbook by Dr. Carol Erb. Both the online program and resources help you easily identify what you need to do to keep you moving forward. You’ll encounter safety and peace of mind through this organized recovery experience.
You don’t have to wait another minute! Once you join you’ll have immediate access to all of the above and can begin implementing all the resources.

Coaching Calls over designated secure video call with Dr. Carol Erb (Value $2497)
That’s a Total Value of $9459
Yours for $1997
Or just $697/mo. + 2 more payments of $697

Promise Guaranteed
Healing is a process and it begins by getting started on your healing journey. I will bring you through my entire coaching program from beginning to end. And by the end of our work together you’ll have clarity and peace of mind. There will be no second guessing about God’s plan for your marriage and life. You will be able to confidently move forward towards a brighter and more hopeful future.
I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life.”
I was stuck in denial of my husband’s infidelity for 2.5 years and would still be stuck if it weren’t for Dr. Erb. Her frankness and honesty helped me to open up freely about my pain and self-loathing behavior so I could begin my path to healing. Her resources were relatable. They hit all of the key factors that I was struggling with and even those I didn’t consciously recognize. Her ability to identify with my situation and address it head on, without sugar coating it helped me rebuild my self-worth and love for God. My biggest surprise is my new found life of joy which is exceedingly, abundantly above all I could have asked for or hoped. I was able to take a stand and make a decision to separate and move forward without fear of the future. I am empowered to explore my new world. I even took a well-paying job that I would never have been able to accept had I remained in the state I was in.
“The process of healing has given me a chance to think about my future and what I really wanted, long-term.”
Before I began working with Dr. Carol I was an emotional mess. I was grieving from my husband’s betrayal and it felt like someone had died. My biggest struggle was my shattered trust. I‘d go from one fear to another with hardly any control. I was in a crisis and I lost the ability to focus on typical everyday activities. I thought the only way out of my pain was divorce. I love what I’m learning in the From Betrayal to Healing program as everything Dr. Carol advises me on is based on the Bible. Carol is someone I trust to help me hear from God.
“I experienced full recovery from my husband’s infidelity and found true healing from God.”
I was really struggling with so much pain in my heart and I didn’t know how to process it. I knew that forgiveness was important, but I honestly didn’t want to forgive my husband. My mind would replay horrible memories over and over again causing me to struggle to find peace. With my home in shambles we eventually separated. Seeing my kids having to live separately from each parent was breaking my heart. My self-esteem was almost non-existent and I couldn’t move past the hurt I felt. I was feeling sorry for myself all the time and the betrayal was literally consuming me. Working through the steps outlined in Dr. Carol Erb’s “From Betrayal to Healing” program helped me to see where I was and where I needed to go in order to find true healing from God. I loved being able to talk to Dr. Carol live on the Zoom coaching calls and ask her questions about my journey. After completing the steps in the workbook, forgiving my husband and experiencing reconciliation I made the decision to move back in with my husband with our boys. I’m eternally grateful to say that God has fully restored what the “locusts have eaten” with the love between us returning in such a way as never before!
“When it was time to separate from my husband, I was prepared because of the work I did with Dr. Erb.”
I was technically stuck for years in my marriage, without knowing what the real issues were. I believed that if I just loved my husband more, worked harder, and became “perfect” things would change. Once I discovered my husband cheated with numerous women things became much clearer. I was completely shattered. I questioned every single thing in my life. Dr. Erb shared so much wisdom about how my husband brought his behavior into the marriage and that it wasn’t my fault. She supported me by telling me the truth, even when it was painful to hear. One of her most profound challenges to me was to look at all of the evidence and my husband’s behavior and decide what I was going to do with it. She helped me see through his lies and explained his behaviors showing me how to prepare myself to move forward with or without him. I am profoundly thankful that God directed me to Dr. Erb and her resources. She guided me to see God’s truth, healing and restoration.
I’m Dr. Carol Erb-Christian Counselor, Marriage Coach, author and creator of an evidence-based trademarked program From Betrayal to Healing™.
I created From Betrayal to Healing ™ for Christian women who have been betrayed by a husband’s affair. This comprehensive coaching program is designed as an alternative to counseling, without spending months…even years of your time or thousands of dollars.
No more second guessing if you’ve found the right help. You’ve come to the right place because I’ve walked in your shoes.
After my own healing journey it became my passion to guide other Christian women through their own recovery process. To give them the biblical support, tools, and advice I had to find alone.
You’ll find everything you need to begin healing from the pain of your husband’s affair. I have helped hundreds of women take the next right step in their marriage and life without fear of the future.
If they did it… you can too.
I look forward to welcoming you into From Betrayal to Healing™ Women’s Coaching Program and meeting you.
So are you ready?
Let’s get started!
Dr. Carol

That’s a total Value of $9459
Yours for $1997
Or just $697/mo. + 2 more payments of $697

How long will it take me to get through your program?
You can go through the lessons at your own pace and circle around until you return where you started. Like anything you pour your heart and soul into the more you invest emotionally, relationally and spiritually, the more you’ll get out of it. So it depends on whether or not you complete assignments, come prepared for our coaching calls, and join the optional From Betrayal to Healing™ women’s private Facebook group. If you listen to each video lesson and work through each lesson assignment in the workbook, listen to the PrayerCare audios that correspond with the lesson, familiarize yourself with all the resources and implement them, you’ll have what it takes to go on your healing journey. Typically it takes 12 weeks to work through the program.
Do you offer a payment plan?
Yes! Even though the investment From Betrayal to Healing™ Women’s Group Program is incredibly affordable, payment plans are offered.
What happens if I miss the coaching calls?
I understand that life is busy! You don’t have to worry. Just request within 48-hours to reschedule our coaching call and we can do so.
Will I get access to the program all at once?
Yes. The From Betrayal to Healing™ Women’s program allows you immediate access. There are women in the program at all stages of their healing journey. So you begin where you are and once you circle around and complete the program, you can cover each lesson as often as you wish.
Will I be able to connect with other women?
Yes. You will have the opportunity to form connections with other women through the private Facebook group community for Women.
Do you have a refund policy?
No. However, I have a Promise Guarantee>>>
Healing is a process and it begins by getting started on your healing journey. I will bring you through my entire coaching program from beginning to end. And by the end of our work together you’ll have clarity and peace of mind. There will be no second guessing about God’s plan for your marriage and life. You will be able to confidently move forward towards a brighter and more hopeful future.
© 2022, Dr. Carol Erb | All rights reserved.
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DISCLAIMER: Results are not typical because more that not, most people don't do the work to achieve them. Any examples of results are for specific clients shown. Healing from the pain of a husband's affair happens by being ready for change. It happens by receiving the tools, resources, support and coaching needed in order to do the work. This site does not provide professional mental health advice, diagnosis or treatment. Using this site doesn't establish a coach-client relationship with Carol Erb, Ph.D. or with the COMPANY or it's licensors. You must consult with your own mental health and medical professionals in determining if the methodologies suggested on this SITE are appropriate for you and your condition. Never disregard professional medical or mental health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on the SITE. There is absolutely no guarantee for any particular outcome based on this SITE. You agree that you and you alone are solely responsible for your individual results. This SITE is not a part of the Facebook, Google Or YouTube websites. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by YouTube, Google or Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. YOUTUBE is a trademark of GOOGLE Inc.